Friday, 23 December 2016

This is one last pieces I created the belt, I feel that it rounds off the character in the mid-with as connects the trousers to the torso better than just the jacket. Adding the additional details to it such as the nuts that would be used to clip the belt together I decided to go on symmetrical to do it by freehand to create more of a craftsmanship so as not photo perfect that you find in a lot of CGI work as it is to perfect makes it slightly unrealistic as in life we have a lot of imperfections. So I decided to have two nuts on one side and one on the other, placing them not perfectly on the piece to create this realistic approach as if a character in their world had built it. In creating the belts I also created the holster that attaches the axe to the belt which is chicken that I thought the gimmick that look as he was holding weight but also to keep it in place.

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